I was lucky to be able to create the Corporate Identity for Inca Botanica, a herbal medicine company based in the Czech Republic. They combine the finest herbs and natural substances imported from Peru with domestic herbs to create unique healing and health-preserving products.

The logotype is inspired by the Inca cross symbol, Chakana, with coca leaves, known for their use in traditional medicine. The snake figures are associated with Asclepius, the ancient Greek god of medicine. As part of the corporate identity, I designed original packaging and label systems, e-shop visuals and UI, and a product catalogues, along with many other materials necessary for the company's presentation. All were based on beautiful herbal illustrations.

As the company grew, sub-brands for the cosmetic products line and Xenon Clinic were developed. I was asked to create logotypes and eye-catching visuals inspired by the original brand for them as well. This was a huge project, and I am very happy to share this amazing work with you. Thank you for any appreciation.

Coproduction with artboard.cz

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